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Civil Society and Business Community Committee Meeting

Hotel Nasa-Hablood, Mogadishu, Somalia 


The Mogadishu Civil Society and Business Committee held their 2nd meeting in Mogadishu on Sunday 31st December, 2006. The Committee discussed the overall situation in the country and the recent developments in Mogadishu. At the end of the meeting, the committee made the following recommendations;  

  1. Establishment of Banadir Regional Administration

    To avert deterioration of the security, maintain peace and provide basic services to the community, it is critical to establish a functioning administration in Mogadishu as soon as possible. In this regard, the committee proposes: 

    1. To appoint a Transitional Council, comprising of the various sectors of the community, to work on maintaining peace and security, delivery of basic services and to prepare the region for an official, constitutional administration.
    2. To reopen the Mogadishu Port, National Airport, and other economic facilities as soon as possible.
    3. An effective regional administration will take necessary steps to stop revenge attacks, looting of personal properties, Human Rights violations against the vulnerable and the marginalized in the society, and reduce armed conflicts in the community. Committee members and other prominent community leaders will raise awareness of the public on these issues using the local media, as well as educational and religious centres.
  1. Ethiopian Troops

      The arrival of the heavily armed Ethiopian troops into the streets of Mogadishu raised the already heightened tension of the people in the region. Several angry demonstrations against the troops organized mainly by local youth groups in different parts of the city have only added to the fears of armed confrontations between the Ethiopian troops and the people. 

      The presence of Ethiopian troops in Somalia is regrettable. To prevent clashes between the Ethiopian troops and the public and minimize the damage such escalation of violence could bring, the committee proposes that all Ethiopian troops should be removed immediately from major population centers in the country. 

      It is vital to understand that genuine reconciliation of our people can only be advanced through serious negotiation among the population.

  1. Dialogue and reconciliation.

    To avoid further bloodshed, destruction and displacement, the Committee calls on the TFG to:

    1. Declare ceasefire and stop all armed fighting at once.
    2. Seek peaceful settlement and dialogue to the prolonged conflict in Somalia.
    3. Expedite the Peacekeeping force authorized by the UN Security Council
    4. The Committee supports the efforts by the international Community for a genuine dialogue to establish a broad based, inclusive government for Somalia.
  1. The Committee expresses its concern of the dangers of a return to the era of Warlordism, factionalism and clan conflict in Somalia.

Mogadishu, 31st, December 2006. 


Afeef: Aragtida qoraalkan waxaa leh qoraaga ku saxiixan

Faafin: | Jan 4, 2007



Kulaabo bogga 