VOTE 2004 | VOTE 2004 | VOTE 2004


USA: NOV 2, 2004


November 2deedu Waa Maalintii Codbixinta
Goobaha Codbixinta Waxaa la furi doonaan 7AM ilaa 8PM

Soo diyaar garow. Goobta codbixinta la imow laba aqoonsi, sida:  ID-gaaga, Minnesota Drivers License, Baasaboor, ama ID-ga ardaynimada iyo caddayn wardaha aad dhowaan ku bixisay biilka guriga ama biilka korontada (iwm) oo ay ku qoranyihiin magac iyo cinwaan.

Haddii aad u baahatid caawinaad ama tarjumaan, weydii qareemada u xilsaaran doorashada ee goobta jooga ama  soo wac: 612-455-2185 ama 612-242-9991 [Somali Action Alliance]. 

Waxaana shardi ah in aad codkaaga ku bixisid aagga loo qoondeeyey degaanka aad degantahay. Haddaba si aad u ogaatid meesha aad codka ku bixin lahayd, booqo websiteka :

Tusaale ahaan; Xaafadaha Minneapolis ee Soomaalidu u badantahay waxay codkooda ku bixinayaan goobaha kala ah:

  • Brian Coyle Center [Waa dadka deggan xaafada Cedar Riverside]

  • Seward Tower East at 2910 East Franklin [ waa dadka deggan Seward Towers]

  • Seward Square Apartments at 2121 9th Street (Dabdamiska gadaashiisa) [Waa haddii aad deggan tahay  west of 26th and Franklin]

  • Hiawatha Towers [ Waa haddii aad deggan tahay Hiawatha Towers]

Waxaase aad muhiim u ah in aad websitekan ka hubisid meesha aad codkaaga ku dhiiban lahayd:

Haddii aad akhbaar dheeraad ah u baahatid la xiriir Somali Action Alliance
612-455-2185 or 612-242-9991


November 2nd is Election Day
Polls are open from 7AM to 8 PM

Be prepared.  Bring 2 pieces of identification with you to your polling place.

  • Your ID card, Minnesota Drivers License, Passport or Student ID AND

  • A utility bill with your current name and address on it, or

  • A witness who is a registered voter can come with you.  

If you need help or translation at the polling place

  • Ask for an election judge

  • Call the Somali Action Alliance office at 612-455-2185 or 612-242-9991 

You must go to the polling place designated by your precinct and where you live.    Generally the polling location is within a few blocks of your house.  This is only a guilde – do not depend on the following information.  For exact polling locations go to or call The Somali Action Alliance. 

  • Cedar Riverside – go to the Brian Coyle Center

  • Seward Towers – go to Seward Tower East at 2910 East Franklin

  • If you live west of 26th and Franklin – go to Seward Square Apartments at 2121 9th Street (behind fire station)

  • Hiawatha Towers – vote at Hiawatha Towers

For more information on voting or for translation call the Voting Hotline at

The Somali Action Alliance

612-455-2185 or 612-242-9991