Soo Bandhigid Dhaqan Soomaali
Mashruuc ah Soo bandgigid dhaqanka
iyo soo jireennimada Soomaaliya, ayaa lagu soo bandhigay Maalintii sabtida
11.11.06 Muusiyamka ugu weyn magaalada Leicester ee dalka UK.
Waxaa mashruucan hal sano iyo bar ku hawlanaa oo soo diyaariyey Jaaliyadda
DANSOM (Danish Somali Community in UK) ee hoygeedu yahay magaalada Leicester.
Waxaa xagga dhaqaalaha ka caawiyey HLF(Heritage Lottery Fund).

Waxaa xafladda ka soo qayb galay
dad badan oo ka tirsan maamulka magaalada Leicester iyo haya’do iyo
hoggaamiyayaal mashruucyo kala duwan.
Dadka ka khudbeeyey, oo erayo ka yiri mashruucan xafladdisa waxaa ka mid ahaa ku
xigeenka Duqa magaalad, Garry Hunt, oo yiri ” aad iyo aad bay magaaladu ugu
baahnayd mashruucan oo kale , oo muujinaya dhaqanka Soomaalida, maadaama ay
soomaalidu magaaladan soo degeen 5 tii sano ee ugu dambeysey. Waxaa mashruucan
oo kale sahlayaa in bulsooyinka kale duwan ee magaaladan Leicester ku nool ay
sifiican isu fahmaan oo isula jaanqaadaan.”
Dadkii kale ee erayada ka yiri meesha waxaa isna ka mid ahaa Sir Peter Soulsby,
MP (xubin ka mid ah baarlamaanka UK). Peter wuxuu gaar ahaan ugu mahadnaqay
kooxda hawshan isu xilsaartay, guud ahaanna bulshada Soomaalida ee magaaladan
Leicester oo suurta gelisay inuu mashruucan hirgalo. Waxa uu yiri mashruucan
waxa uu sahlayaa isfahmka iyo isdhexgalka bulshooyinka kala duwan ee magaaladan
Sarah Levitt, oo ah madaxa muusiyamyada magaalada Leicester, oo aad ugu
riyaaqday mashruucan, dhaqanka Soomaalida, ayaa talo ahaan u soo jeedisay in
mashruucan la sii ballaariyo oo loo bandhigo magaalooyinka kale ee dalka,
sababtoo ah wax badan ayaa laga korodsanayaa. Waxay kaloo intaa ku dartay inay
diyaar u tahay in marar kale lagu soo bandhigo dhaqanka Soomaalida muusiyayada
magaalada Leicester, si dad badan uga faa’iidaystaan.
Dadka kale oo hadllo dhaxal gal meesha ka jeediyey waxaa ka mid ahaa Axmad Bile
rafle oo xog waran guud ka bixiyey mashruuca. Waxaa kaloo ka mid ahaa dadka
goobtaa ka hadlay Xamza Vayani oo ka socdey HLF, Chris Eyre, oo ka socdey socdey
maamulka boliiska ee magaalada Leicester iyo Husien Suleyman oo ka tirsan
maamulka magaalada Leicester.
Waxaa xafladdan doorweyn ka qaatay oo aan la hilmaami kari Hashim Ducaale, oo
maalintaas xiriirye iyo kala hage ka ahaa xafladda iyo dhallinyaro isugu jirey
wiilal iyo gabdho, oo soo dhaweynta iyo bilidda xafladda qayb weyn ka qaatay,
gaar ahaan Xamdi iyo Cambaro oo geesinimo dheeraad ah maalintaas muujiyey. Waxaa
iyana mahad gaar ah mudan maamulka Jaaliyadda DANSOM xubnaha ka tirsan, oo ay ka
midyihiin, Libaan Maxamad Cabdulle(Jihaad), Maxamuud Guled Osman, Cabdirisaaq
Cali Xirsi (Jannagale) iyo Cabdi Salad Cabdulle (Dacas).
Waxaa dhaqan Soomaaliyeedkan lagu soo bandhigi doonaa Dugsiyada ay ardada
Soomaalidu ku badanyihiin bilahan soo socda.
Waxaa sawirro badan oo dhaqanka soomaalida la xiriira ka heli kartaa, oo ka
fiirsan kartaa Shabakadda Jaaliyadd DANSOM, oo ciwaankeedu yahay, wixii faahfaahin ah ee intaa sii dheer waxaad lagala soo
xiriiri karaa
English version:
Somali Heritage Project Launch
On Saturday 11th the Somali Heritage Project launch took place in Gallery 6
known as A World Through Art of Leicester New Walk Museum. After the project
manager of the Somali Heritage Mr. Ahmed Rafle give very detailed report on how
the project come about and what has been done so far and concluded the future
tasks. How the project did come about? We have the need to conserve and share
our heritage with our young generation and the all generations of other
communities. What has been done so far? We collected around the world Somali
heritage items. What are the future the plans? We will make many expeditions in
the country and abroad where possible.
The Deputy Lord Mayor Cllr. Gary HUNT officially launched the event. The
speakers include Sir Peter Soulsby, Member of British Parliament, South
Leicester who sent a video message congratulating the community for the success
and he expressed how such project can be tool for integration. Hamza Vayani of
Heritage Lottery Fund explained how they supported this project and its
importance. Sarah Levitt, Head of Leicester Museums helped to understand some
items and how the items related to the ancient Egyptian tools. Counsellor
Hussein Suleman of Stoneygate Ward, Leicester talked about the contribution of
the Somali Community in Leicester. Chris Eyre, Assistant Chief of Leicestershire
Constable expressed how the Leicestershire constabulary is keen in working with
Somali community. Faisal Haji, Urban Solution Network UK explained that major
heritage of us [Somalis] is our poetry and our ability in conserving orally our
culture. Between the speeches, an interesting 26-minute video that eloquently
explained the history and culture was shown on mega board using latest cinema
style technology. At the end of the event, Jawaahir Daahir, Managing Director of
Somali Development Service handed presents to our guest speakers. The event’s
coordinator who introduced the guest speakers and managed the event was Mr
Hashim Duale, Community Development Officer. Mr. Ahmed Rafle said that set goal
of the day is been achieved.
With our expert cameraman Sid Ahmed Haji Mohamed, Hamdi Abdullahi our young
Journalist on the day interviewed the guests on cam recorder asking how they
found the event in their own words:
1) Deputy Lord Mayor of Leicester Counsellor Gary Hunt; “Fascinating so
expanding and I personally learnt more about; I recommend my colleagues and
friends to come and see.
2) The leader of the City Council Cllr Roger Blackmore; “Absolutely fascinating;
the video was informative. Well-done and well organised”.
3) Hamza Vayani; Heritage Lottery Fund: “I found the event really expressional;
I learnt a lot about Somali Heritage “
4) Counsellor Hussein Suleman of Stoneygate Ward; “Very interesting and
important. I recommend many people should see and learn from the Somali
5) Nigel Chapman, Crown Prosecution Service; “ Very enlightening and very
beneficial and I recommend anyone to come along in Museum and learn more such
lovely open people”
6) Chris Eyre, Assistant Chief of Leicestershire Constable; “ It is been a joy
and wonderful event and many people should come and see”
7) Jawaahir Daahir, Managing Director of Somali Development Service. “It is
fantastic and an opportunity to learn for others [non Somalis] about our
8) Abdikarim Gheewala; Chair of Federation of Muslim Organisations; “ Very
positive and right beginning and I hope there will be opportunity for further
events such as this”
9) Teresa Spilsbury, Community Development Officer, Leicester City PCT, “ I
enjoyed and find more about different culture”
Sarah Levitt, Head of Leicester Museums, “I really enjoyed everything that was
on display especially the video.”
On Behalf of Somali Community, The Danish Somali Community in UK team:
Mahamud Osman Guled
Abdirizak Ali Hersi
Liban Mahmed Abdulle
Abdihabib Salad Abdulle
Ahmed Bile Rafle
The team put hard work and presented the event. We thank Heritage Lottery Fund
our funding body, Leicester Museums, all Guest Speakers and most of all members
of the public who shown keen interest.
Faafin: | Nov 22, 2006