w w w . S o m a l i T a l k . c o m

Meelaha laga dalban karo ama laga heli karo buugga
(Literature of Somali Onomastics & Proverbs)
Barashada Xikmadda Magacyada & Maahmaahaha Soomaalida 

Gobaad Communications & Press. P. O. Box 141091, Mpls, MN 55414, phone: 612-275-5587, fax: 612-377-1062

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Walqalkii Buugga “Barashada Xikmadda Magacyada & Maahmaahaha Soomaalida” oo Guuleystey

Qore: Maxamuud Cali Digaale 

Waxaa Sabtidii bisha Agoosto ahayd 12ka lagu qabtay magaalada Minneapolis oo ah meel ay deggan yihiin Soomaali badani, walqalkii buugga “Barashada Xikmadda Magacyada & Maahmaahaha Soomaalida” oo dabcan ah buug laba afle ah oo ku qoran Soomaali & English. Xafladda waxaa ka soo qayb galay dad magac weyn u leh bulshada Soomaalida dhexdeeda oo ay ka mid ahaayeen ra’iisal wasaarihii labaad ee jamhuuriyaddii Soomaaliya 1964-1967kii Mudane Cabdirizaaq Xaaji Xuseen; Taliyihii ugu horeeyey ciidan booliis ah oo ay Soomaaliyi yeelato Gen. Maxamed Abshir Muuse & weliba hal-abuurka caanka ah Siciid Saalax Axmed oo ah mufti aad ugu xeeldheer dhaqanka, afka, suugaanta iyo sooyaalka soomaalida. 

Gen. Maxamed Abshir Muuse, Cabdirizaaq Xaaji Xuseen, Siciid Saalax Axmed, Xaliimo Faarax Cadde, Axmed Ismaaciil Yuusuf, Axmed Cabdi Haybe, Anwar Maxamed Diiriye & Maxamuud Sheekh Axmed. 

Cabdirizaaq & Maxamed oo u soo joogey wax badan oo waayaha dadka Soomaalida soo maray ahi, waxay aad uga hadleen qiimaha ay leedahay kaydinta iyo ururinta afka iyo dhaqanka Soomaalidu. Waxay aad ugu dheeraadeen in meel la isla dhigo is waafajinta afka iyo tayeyntiisaba si uu uga tilaabsado halka uu manta yuururo. Waxay labada oday aad u ammaaneen iskuna raaceen in uu allifaha buuggani qabtay hawl dayacnayd ayna ahayd in la xafido, waxayna tilmaamo badan ka bixiyeen sida uu qoraaga oo dhallinyari uu haddana u soo qufay af gaboobey isagoo eray-bixin qeexan oo qiimo badan dusha kaga waray kuna xardhay taas oo buugga ka dhigtay mid xiise gaara u leh waayeelka iyo da’yartaba. Maxamed Abshir waxa uu tibaaxay in uu qoraagu xanxanteeyey xididkii asalka ahaa ee afka iyo dhaqanka isagoo magacyadana ka dhigay kuwo u sharxan si miisaaman oo xeeldheeri iyo farshaxanimo aqooneed ka muuqato.

Siciid Saalax Axmed ayaa isaguna si dheer uga sheekeeyey buugga iyo qoraagaba isagoo ku bilaabay sidan: 

Siciid Saalax Oo Martidii Buugga U Akhrinaya. 

“Intaanan baran buugga waxaan bartay Anwar. Markaan Mareykanka immid Anwar arooskiisii ayaa xaflad aan tago iigu horeysey. Markii aan waxbarashada halkan ka bilaabay ee aan u baahday aalad aan ku diyaarsado duruustii la ii dirayna dadka soomaalida ah intooda badan kambiyuutarkaba isma ayan aqoon, waxaase la ii geeyey Anwar oo markaa dul fadhiyey kambiyuutar uu wax ku qoranayey oo aqalka u yiil taasina waxay i siisay fursad aan Anwar ku sii barto isagoo si hagar la’aan ah iiga caawiyey sidii aan duruusta u diyaarsan lahaa. Waa dambe, Anwar markii uu bilaabayey joornaalkii Gobaad, waxbaan hawshaana ka ogaa, markii uu soo baxay caddadkii ugu horeeyeyna waxaan ogaaday in uu ehel suugaanta u yahay oo uu wax badan ka ogyahay waayaheeda. Halkaa markey xaajo mareysay waxaan haddana la saanqaaday Anwar oo buuggan diyaarinaya talooyin badana uruursanaya, anigoo nasiib u helay in aan dadkii uu ku ixtiraamay talo-wadaaga ka mid noqdo. Maanta oo aan halkan joognana Anwar waxaan la wadaagaynaa xafladda walqalka curradkiisa koowaad marka erayga qoran laga hadlayo’. 

Gen. Maxamed Abshir Muuse, Cabdirizaaq Xaaji Xuseen, Siciid Saalax Axmed, Axmed Ismaaciil Yuusuf, Axmed Cabdi Haybe & Anwar Maxamed Diiriye. 

Buuggani wuxuu astaan u yahay qoraa da’yar oo farshaxanimo ku falkiyey qormo aan mawduuceeda dad badani isku xilsaarin ayna ka marag kici doonaan dadka nasiibka u yeelan doona akhrinteedu. Anwar waddo cusub ayuu noo falay, waxayna noqon doontaa mid dad badan maankooda xadantaysa, godlisa oo lista. Sida buugga loo dhigay waxay Ku dayasho wacan u tahay dhammaan inta jecel in ay wax qoraan. Anwar waxaan ku leeyahay “curadkani socoy, hanaqaad oo kalintiisii buuxi ee halkaa ka sii wad”. 

Maqaawiirtaas kabacdi waxaa iyaguna hadalo wax ku ool ah ka yiri buugga Huda Faarax, Xaliimo Faarax Cadde, Sheekh Xasan Dhooye, Yaasiin Garaad, Warsame Maxamuud Xasan Axmed Ismaaciil Yuusuf, iyo Axmed Cabdi Haybe oo buugga hore u soo daalacday iskuna raacay qiimaha buugga, muhimadda erayga qoran & farshaxanimada uu qoraagu la beegsaday qaabeynta, ururinta, qeexidda iyo ebyidda kitaabkiisa. Waxay dhammaantood isku raaceen in marka la eego tixraaca uu qoraagu ku taxay baalasha ugu dambeeya buuggiisa ay tusinayso hawsha baaxadda leh ee uu isku diray si uu u hubsado waxa uu ka hadlayo taas oo muunad gaar ah ku siyaadinaysa mawduuca oo awalba xiise gaara lahaa. 

Huda Faarax oo buugga ka hadlaysa. 

Warsame Maxamuud Xasan, Cabdirizaaq Xaaji Xuseen, Siciid Saalax Axmed, Xaliimo Faarax, Axmed Ismaaciil Yuusuf & Axmed Cabdi Haybe. 

Anwar Maxamed Diiriye, oo gunnaanadkii lagu soo dhoweeyey hadalku wuxuu sheegay in uusan buugga isagu lahayn ee ay bulshadu leedahay ayna tahay in ay iyagu wax ku darridiisa, ka reebidiisa, ka dhihidiisa iyo hellida ciladaihiisaba ay iyaga u taal.

Dadweynihii Xafladda Ka Soo Qaybgalay oo Hadaladii Dhegeysanaya. 

Anwar waxa uu sheegay in uu buugga u ebyey in uu dood ku saabsan mawduuca magacyada iyo  maahmaahyaha uu furo laguna baraarugo barashada xikmadooda iyo taariikhdoodaba. Aakhirkii Anwar waxa uu si habsami leh aftahannimana ku jirto uu kaga jawaabay su’aalihii dadweynaha taas oo ay dhammaan dadkii fadhiyey ka maqsuudeen kuna boggaadiyeen qoraaga hawl-karnimadiisa iyo fiiro-dheeridiisaba. 

Sheekh Xasan Dhooye, Cabdirizaaq Xaaji Xuseen, Siciid Saalax Axmed, Xaliima Faarax, Axmed Ismaaciil Yuusuf, Axmed Cabdi Haybe & Anwar Maxamed Diiriye.

Qoraaga Buugga kala xiriir Emailkan:

Faafin: | Agoosto 14, 2006

Literature of Somali Onomastics & Proverbs ‘With Comparison of Foreign Sayings’

Wisdom is Content Out of the Knowledge

Anwar Maxamed Diiriye

Published By:

Gobaad Communications & Press

P. O Box 141091, Minneapolis, MN 55414



Table of Contents 

  • Dedication----------------------------------------------------------------------4

  • Map of Somali Inhabited Territories-----------------------------------------5

  • Acknowledgements------------------------------------------------------------6

  • Forward-------------------------------------------------------------------------7

  • A Note on the Spelling of Somali names------------------------------------9

  • Introduction--------------------------------------------------------------------12

Chapter One

  • Indigenous Names ------------------------------------------------------------27

Chapter Two

  • Arabic or Islamic Names-----------------------------------------------------90

Chapter Three

  • Somali Proverbs with English Translation---------------------------------112

Chapter Four

  • Selected Non-Somali Proverbs---------------------------------------------170


A Note on the Author--------------------------------------------------------227

Selected References & Bibliography --------------------------------------228




This Somali-English dictionary of Somali onomastics and proverbs is the result of a monumental effort on the part of the young Somali scholar, Mr. Anwar Maxamed Diiriye. It attempts to produce a reliable reference work that can serve not only the needs of any outsiders curious about Somali language and culture but also the crying needs of a new Somali generation in the diaspora who are either cut off or alienated from such culture.


The work is divided into two parts: a straight-forward translation of Somali diction and a second part, which attempts to illuminate traditional proverbs; the foundation of all wisdom in any preliterate society. But before we proceed any farther, a word on the long and brilliant “Introduction” is in order. This section of the work is an excellent overview of Somali and Muslim cultures. Then, there is a very lucid and highly informative discourse on the practice of naming all things in the physical and natural world; beginning with “Prophet” Adam up to the present. This is where the intriguing title of the work comes from. According to Webster’s English Dictionary, Onomastics means: the study of the origin and history of proper names. Mr. Diiriye, citing sources, writes as follows:


A name is simply a word, phrase or sentence by which a human being is by it, he or she is identified, called, described, distinguished and classified. Nothing on earth and in much of the heavens exists without a name…A name conveys history, culture, heritage, language and a consciousness of self-image and pride. Onomastics (study of names) involves many disciplines such as history, geography, linguistics, literature, philosophy, anthropology, psychology, sociology, theology, and even the legal and medical sciences... In all, identity is the underlying feature and the principal one.


Mr. Diiriye has a nice format which allows him to first give the Somali term, then its Anglicized version or equivalent, and finally its meaning in English. For instance, Baxsan or Bahsan (Good, Nice); Diiriye or Dirie (Comforter, Warmer); Caaggan or Aggan (Abstinent) Shacni or Sha’ni (Elegant); etc.


Now back to the spelling and proper rendering of Somali language sounds. At one point Mr. Diiriye juxtaposes the modern spelling of names in the new Latinized Somali script with their traditional Anglicized spellings. For instance, Abdulrahman is now spelt as Cabdulraxmaan; which accurately reflects the Somali language’s guttural proclivities. This not only represents the guttural sounds; but also accurate vowel values.


A third part of the work is a brave attempt by Mr. Diiriye to universalize all of African and Middle Eastern cultures through this medium. He includes in this work many Arab, Berber, Bushman, Igbo, Pigmy, Swahili, Yoruba and even English sayings and proverbs. Here are some examples in Shona, they say “One who applies proverbs gets what he wants”; in Somali, we have “A man with a sense of humor is never at a loss for words of action,” in Sierra Leone, they say “Proverbs are the daughters of experience,” and in Yoruba, one saying goes like this: “A wise man who knows proverbs reconciles difficulties”.


This is not only a toure de force on the part of Mr. Diiriye, but also a very valuable tool for all students of traditional culture. The only weakness I can note here is perhaps the ambitious nature of this work, given its limited scope. I think that one short-coming can be easily corrected.

Dr. Abdi A. Sheik-Abdi
Author & Scholar

A resolute collector with keen observation, Anwar Maxamed Diiriye provides us in this pioneering book with a wealth of information about and insight to the naming tradition in Somali society, an important subject that has not received the scholarly attention it deserves. Equally important is the collection of Somali proverbs contained in the book with English equivalents. The combination of these two aspects makes this book a worthy contribution to the preservation of the endangered Somali oral tradition, an essential read to students of Somali culture and comparative literature.

Dr. Maxamed Daahir Afrax - Novelist, Critic, Playwright, Journalist & Literary Scholar. London, UK.


‘This book deals with two things, which a brave and generous Somali is afraid to lose: dignity (his name) and wisdom (proverbs).'


Dr. Georgi Kapchits - Author and scholar of Somali Wisdom. Moscow, Russia.


This book is a generous gift from Mr. Diiriye to Somali people. The Somali proverbs have an important role in the lives of Somali society. Nomadic people in Somalia were frequently using proverbs when they held an important speech. The proverbs itself is a collection of selected words, bearing wisdom which attracted too many cultures. This book gives great opportunity for young Somalis who are bilingual, particularly those who know the value of different cultures. Mr. Diiriye succeeded the renascence of Somali culture and identity.


Aamina Siciid - Author, Poet & Medical Scientist. Stockholm, Sweden. 



 "The work conveyed in this book is a pioneer in its kind and timely. On one hand, in a period when many Somalis are spread all over the globe and detached from their ancestral land and culture, the information depicted here is expected to bridge the cultural deficit of the expatriated Somalis. On the other hand, this work will be significantly beneficial for researchers interested in the science of the Somali Onomastics." 


Dr. Cismaan Salaad Xirsi - Associate Professor and a Poet, Regina University, Canada.



This is a unique book. Many people will admire, read or reference it in choosing meaningful names for their children, or to use the proverbs in their best context. It really is for both public and poetic reference.


Siciid Saalax Axmed – Educator, Playwright, Filmmaker & Literary Scholar. Minneapolis, MN. 



ISBN: 0-9726615-1-4

Library of Congress Catalog Number: 2005939091

Description: Culture, Language, Literature, History/Africa

Author: Anwar Maxamed Diiriye

Publisher: Gobaad Communications & Press

Language: Bilingual (Somali & English)