(Medical Terminology, Medications and Diseases)
Printed: 276 pages, 5.5, 8.5
Publisher: Fayadhawr Publications
Language: Somali
Edition: Third Edition
ISBN: 978-1-60461-525-8
by: Mustapha Harrir
Year: Sep 2007
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This is an essential reference book that should be utilized as a handbook in
hospitals, schools, libraries, as well as, in the home. The book of "Medical
Terminology, Medications, and Diseases", can also be used as a guidebook for
language interpreters along with additional people wanting to understand
more about healthcare and medicine. The book is extremely thorough and can
be incredibly helpful for people that want to be better informed about
global healthcare everywhere. In view, this book is especially valuable for
Somali people that live all over the world today.
More than 3000 English to Somali translated medical terminology.
300 of the most popular medications prescribed and what they are used for.
Over 70 of the most common diseases and descriptions, causes, risk factors,
warnings (symptoms), tests, preventions and treatments.
Health risk concerning women circumcision, Khat and tobacco.
Common medical abbreviations.