Shirkii Jabuuti oo la soo geba-gebeey iyo qodobo sharaxaad badan
yeelana oo laga soo saarey
Sawirada Gabagabadii Shirka Jabuuti Halkan ka daawo...
Shirkii ugu socdey dhinacyadii iskaga soo horjeedey arimaha maamulka iyo
siyaasada Soomaaliya ee TFG-da iyo ARS-ta, loogana hadlayey arimaha
Siyaasadda iyo Nabadgeylayadda dalka Soomaaliya, islamarkaana uu soo
qaban qaabiyey Wakiilka gaar ah ee Ergayga Qaramada midoobey ee
Soomaaliya, Ap; Ahmadu Ould Abdallah, ayna goob joog ka ahaayeen, laba
xubnood oo ka socdey Xafiiska Madaxweynaha Dowlada Jabuuti Ismaaciil
Cumar Geele, xubno kale oo ka socdey Beesha Caalamka iyo
Diblamaasiyiinta dalallka dunida ee ka jooga dalka Jabuuti, xubno ka
socdey Ururadda Bulshada Soomaaliya ayaa lagu soo gebagebeeyey Hoteel
Kempeski ee Caasimada dalka Jabuuti Habeenimadii Talaadadda ee
Xiritaanka shirka oo ay ka soo qaybgaleen Wakiilada Jamaacadda Carabta,
Midowga Afrika, Midowga Yurub, Mareykanka iyo seddax xubnood oo ka kala
socdey ARS-ta iyo TFG-da ayaa waxaa ugu horeyn ka Hadley Ap; Ahmadu Ould
Abdallah, waxaa uuna ka hor akh-riyey qodobadii ay isla gaareen
dhinacyadii saldhiga u ahaa kulanka, kaasoo ahaa qoraal ka koobnaa laba
Bog oo ay ku qoran yihiin 11-qodob iyo magacyada sixiixayaasha heshiiska
TFG-da iyo ARS-ta oo uuna qayb ka ahaa Ahmadu Oul Abdallah, sidoo kale
waxaa halkaasi ka hadley Wakiiladda Jaamacadda Carabta, Midowga Afrika,
Mareykanka, Midowga Yurub, mas’uulka hogaaminayey TFG-da, laba xubnood
oo ka socdey ARS-ta, Wasiirka Arimaha Diinta iyo Aw-qaafta Jabuuti.
Qoraalkii ka soo baxay shirka Dibu-heshiisiinta ee uu Akh-riyey Ahmadu
Ould Abdallah ayaa waxaa uu u qornaa sedan:-
Communiqué by the Transitional Federal Government
and The Alliance for the Re-Liberation of Somalia
1. The Transitional Federal Government (TFG) and the Alliance for the
Re-liberation of Somalia (ARS) held the first meetings of the High Level
Committee and the Joint Security Committee in Djibouti from 16 to 18
August 2008. The international community, including diplomats from
regional organizations (African Union, European Union, League of Arab
States) and individual countries, as well as representatives of Somali
civil society and business community, attended as observers.
2. They adopted the Terms of Reference for both Committees and discussed
practical means of implementing the Djibouti Agreement.
3. The Parties agreed to continue the political dialogue between
themselves and refrain from making inflammatory statements. They
reaffirmed their commitment to cease all armed confrontation and to
establish sub committees to implement the arrangements to that end.
4. They welcomed all efforts undertaken by Somali nationals, including
through supportive meetings inside and outside Somalia, as well as those
of the international community to help implement the Djibouti Agreement.
5. The Parties strongly condemn the perpetrators as well as those who
mastermind and fund violence which targets innocent people, including
killings, indiscriminate shelling, looting, raping and acts of piracy.
6. The TFG and the ARS are very concerned by the seriousness of the
humanitarian situation in the country and the continued suffering of
their compatriots. The Parties agree on the critical need to address
this situation in all its dimensions – political, security and access.
They call on the international community to urgently provide
humanitarian assistance to the needy people of Somalia. In this
connection, the Parties reaffirmed their strong determination to help
ensure unhindered humanitarian access and assistance.
7. The Parties call on the international community to provide full
support for the High Level Committee and the Joint Security Committee,
particularly in their work in establishing a national mechanism for
humanitarian access and assistance.
8. The Parties call on the United Nations Security Council to accelerate
the deployment of a UN peacekeeping force to facilitate the withdrawal
of Ethiopian forces from Somalia.
9. The Parties would like to reassure the Somali population that they
are determined to strengthen their commitment for peace, stability,
unity, sovereignty, territorial integrity and dignity in Somalia.
10. The Parties thank the Government and people of Djibouti for their
hospitality during the meetings of the High Level Committee and the
Joint Security Committee.
11. The parties also express their appreciation to the international
community for its generous support and invite it to remain supportive of
the Djibouti Agreement, formally signed on 18 August 2008, to help start
its effective implementation.
18 August 2008
High Level Committee
_________________ _______________________
Ahmed Abdisalam Aden | Abdurahman Abdishakur Warsame
Transitional Federal Government | The Alliance for the Re-Liberation of
Joint Security Committee
____________________ _____________________
Mohamed Mohmud Hayd | Omar Hashi Aden
Transitional Federal Government | The Alliance for the Re-Liberation of
Dhamaan mas’uuliyiintii ka hadashey goobta ayaa inta badan waxay ku
cel-celinayeen muhiimada heshiiska, qiimaha nabada ay leedahay,
heerarkii uu soo marey heshiiska iyo sidii loo adkeyn lahaa qodobadda
lagu sixiixey heshiiskan.
Hase ahaatee waxaa hadalo kala duwan oo si hoose aan ku helney
sheegayaan in Ciidamada Ethobia iyo kuwa DFKMG la hadal hayo in laga
saaro oo dowladuna ay degto, Magaalada Baydhabo, halka Is-bahaysiguna la
sheegey in isna loo qoondeeyey in Gobolka Sh/hoose Magaalo madaxdiisa
Jowhar ay iguna degidoonaan, Magaalada Muqdishona loo deyndoono
Ciidamada UN-ka ah ee la doonayo in dalka la keeno, waxa looga dan
leeyahayna lama cadeyn, laakiin arintaas waxaa si weyn uga biyo diidsan
Mas’uuliyiinta sare DFKMG ee at Qaranimadoodu ku dhisan tahay, dilka,
xariga, dhaca iyo handadaada shacabka Soomaaliyeed qaybaheeda kala
duwan, halka Is-bahaysiguna isaguna marka aad si hoose u eegto ay ka
dhex jiraan guux aan si weyn loo dareemi Karin, kadib markii la ogaadey
xubnaha shirka ugu qaybgala, iyadoo aan laga tashan in shirka ay ku
qoran yihiin.
Inkastoo heshiiska qaabka uu u dhacay iyo sida la doonayo oo ahayd
muhiimada heshiiska in la fuliyo, ayaa durba waxaa soo if-baxay, hadalo
duul duul ah iyo jahwareer markii uu bilaabaney shirka iyo
gunaanadkiisa, taasoo u muuqatey mid miisaanka heshiiska iyo sida awooda
loo saarey aysan ahayn, mid isudhiganta, waxaana taagan su’aalo fara
badan oo sheegistooda iyo ka jawaabistooda aan si dhab ah loo shaacin
Karin, maadaama Beesha Caalamka iyo Ummadda Soomaaliyeed ay in badan ku
dhex jireen mashaqada guracan ee ay la yimaadaan kuwa horboodaya
Siyaasadda Soomaaliya, islamarkaana aan la garan Karin ujeedadda ugu
dambeysa ee ay isladoonayaan, laakiin wax kasta oo dhaca waxaa indhaha
caalamka iyo Ummadda Soomaaliyeed ku eegayaan, sida loo dhaqan geliyo
heshiiskan iyo caqabadaha imaandoona.
Maxamed Macallin Cismaan (All-man) Somalitalk Jabuuti.